Living Off-Grid


Living Off-Grid

A growing collection of off-grid resources to help with the living off-grid dream, from videos, books and other information guides. This page is regularly updated so check back often for help with living off-grid. Hope to see you again soon!

Off-Grid Living Guides

Off-Grid Living Guides

Buy off-Grid living guides from our UK store and get helpful information and advice on how to start living the off-grid dream.

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Solar Power Calculator

Solar Power Calculator

Work out how many solar panels will meet your needs using our free online solar power calculator.

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Living Off-Grid Videos

Off-Grid Gas Stove

You wouldn't expect to find many living off-grid videos featuring the UK but people do live off-grid in the country. This video explores one family's experiences and how do do it

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Off-Grid Camping & Leisure Supplies

Off-Grid Leisure Supplies

Everything you need for off-grid life and leisure all in one place from tents, knives and essential off-grid camping gear.

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